Kale Pandlu / Kale Kayalu
Kale Kayalu or some call the fruit as Kaley Pandlu are small red wild berries that grows in wilderness of south India and some parts of north India. I haven’t seen it commercially cultivated anywhere in India. The fruit is rich in Iron and Vitamin c and have a wide range of medical benefits. This Red fruit when ripe i
Kale Kayalu or some call the fruit as Kaley Pandlu are small red wild berries that grows in wilderness of south India and some parts of north India. I haven’t seen it commercially cultivated anywhere in India. The fruit is rich in Iron and Vitamin c and have a wide range of medical benefits.
This Red fruit when ripe is green when unripe and lactates when harvested without fully ripening. The green kale kayalu are used by the indigenous people to make pachadi using green chilli and salt. Trust me it’s super tasty. The ripen kale kayalu are sweet and blood red color inside.
You can buy kale kaya or kalakai or karanda online from Sitara foods, we have a whole lot collection of several other exotic, rare and seasonal fruits of India, you can see them all and order in our Sitara foods online store.
Kale Kayalu are called by many other names in different part of India.
English : Bengal currant or Karanda fruit
Telugu : Kale Kaya or Kale pandlu
Tamil: Kalakai or kilaakkaai
Kannada : kauli hannu
Devanagari : karonda
Bengali : Koromcha
Assam: Karja tenga
Sanskrit : karamardaka
Marathi: kali maina
Maithili: karauna
Malaya: kerenda or karaunda
Konkani: Canta
Sinhala: maha karamba
Thai: nam phrom or namdaeng
Philippines: caramba, caranda, cranberries, caraunda or perunkila
Other names less widely used include: karaunda, karanda, or karamda.
Nutrition Information & uses of Fruit
- Fruit is enriched with Iron component which is beneficial for Anemic patient.
- Kalakai bears Vitamin C nutrient which is optimal for growth and repair of tissues in the Body. Often, it is also used to cure the effect of Scurvy.
- Kalakai prevents excessive secretion of the bile by Liver to prevent Biliousness.
- It provides comfort during Diarrhea.
- The Analgesic attribute of Kalakai fruit is essential in providing relief from Pain.
- Carissa Carandas has an Anthelmintic impact in the Body which expels the Parasitic Worms.
- Kalakai is Antipyretic in nature which effectively reduces Fever.
- It is a Cardio Tonic for the body. Thus, it regulates and optimizes the Heart functions to avoid Heart Diseases.
- Kalakai potentially prevents the occurrence of Inflammation within the body.
- Due to Kalakai Cytotoxic characteristics, it inhibits the growth of cancer and tumor cells. Therefore, it is a beneficiary remedy for Cancer and Tumor patients.
- Kalakai, Being Depressant in nature, it diminishes excitability to cure Anxiety.
- Kalakai is prescribed during Constipation to get relief.
- It strengthens and tones up the Stomach to keep Stomach related problems at bay. Kalakai also used during Stomach Ache.
- Kale Kaya has Thermogenic attribute which is potent in reducing weight. Thus, it is an effective medication for Obesity.
- It stops Internal Bleeding.
- kaley kaya mitigates Cough.
- It powers up the Digestive System to avoid Indigestion and Digestive Disorders. kalakai removes impurities from the Blood.
- kale kaya is favorable in reducing the Blood Sugar Levels and aids in curing Diabetes
Fresh Fruit Itself
Vitamin C
Carbohydrate Caryophyllene Glycosides
Ascorbic Acid
Beta Sitos
Pectin Potassium
Salicylic Acid
Volatile Oil
The main ripening season is August and September. So, we are able to deliver this fruit to our customers from early August to end of September. But orders have to be place atleast by first week of July.
Domestic: Shipping if Free to any part of India and delivery time to any part of India delivery will be done in 3 to 7 business days from date of shipping.
International: International shipping price is based on country of delivery and Delivery time varies from 4 to 9 business days from date of shipping.
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