
Our Customer Stories

Best Tasting Products With Best of the Best Customer Care Starts Here

Learn how millions of our customers around the world satisfy their food carvings
— So So So Happy —
“Can’t stop to eating after tasting their products. So many varieties of home made product that are delicious”
Sandhya & Chaitanya
— Awesome Must TRY —
“SITARA sold memories of past not just products. The products are tasty as my grandma homemade products. Best in be Quality, Taste & Packing”
— Totally Recommended —
“Loved Loved Loved their products. Little expensive but worth the money spent”
Actress Gayatri Gupta
Hyderabad, India
— Awesome Must TRY —
“Excellent ordering experience with extraordinary customer support team. Cant get enough of their products. Even kids loved them very much”
Durga Yeramala
— Free Shipping & 2 day delivery was my favorite part —
“My lockdown Andhra food carvings are satisfied by SITARA FOODS, my savior. Even in lockdown got all products delivered with care”
Neti Mahila
— Bucket List Items for NRI’s —
“Just WOW, for the taste, packing, freshness & delivery. A lot of nostalgic food memories are brought back”
Sourya & Sai
— Super Tasty Products, Robust Leak proof Packing, Jet Fast Delivery —
“My day everyday for 60 days wasn’t passed by without tasting Sitara Foods products from date of order until I finished them off”
Kalyani & Karthik
— Unforgettable Tasty Memories —
“Taste, Color, Flavor are just awesome. Entire family loved Sitara Foods products”
Million Plus Happy Customers
Across 69+ Countries
— Must Try Items for Kanndigas —
“The Taste of each product was just amazing. Just Amazing, loved & enjoyed each and every bite of all products”
Kannda Food Channel
— Really I felt Happy & Homely —
“I really I felt happy what I invest on food in sitara was good and superb, Previously I ordered chicken pickle very Aromatic and later palkova and some hot items very good and now Choclates really I felt like homely foods”
Sharanya Kishore
— Good Experience Every Time —
“Good experience every time I ordered. Its a great initiative to bring the taste of home closer to ones that are far from home”
Praveen Raj Ganesan
— Best Of The Best —
“The products were well packaged. No leakage or spillage. Believe me they are the best of best andhra food products I ever had in my life!”
Primrose Pius
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