Beyond our mundane everyday existence if you believe there is something in our lives then Vrathams and poojas will be a part of your spiritual journey for sure. When you live in countries abroad like USA, then finding the right materials to do these Vrathas and poojas becomes a little tougher task. But nowadays, most Indian websites give you those online orders convenience and also the best means to source your raw material and end product requirements to do the poojas as desired. You know that sweets are the sole of such Hindu rituals always. We stay close to the almighty and perform Vrathams without taking salt-based foods and only sweets or without water or taking only fruits at many times. But along with taking up Vrathas we cannot end up cooking those traditional sweets also as we have to take care of the family at those times, right? Cooking can be skipped only for us whereas for the family it is a daily chore we perform every day.
Various Vrathas in India
From the Vedic period till modern times there are numerous ritual observances followed in Hinduism. Among them Vrathas and poojas are very special. Vratha means rules, vows, moral & mental disciplinary behaviors, an act of devotion, duty, commitment & a pious practice humans observe expressing devotion as a part of their spiritual journey. Everything has been carried forward as a legacy, a few Vratas and poojas to express your gratitude that are well known are here for you.
- Sankashti Chaturthi – Devotees of lord Ganesha will fast from sunrise to sunset on Sankashti Chaturthi. He is the supreme, first power who removes all obstacles in our life. The most important item that you can have during a fast is any sweet made of jaggery. If you are strictly fasting with only root vegetables, fruits and water then you can carry on the same way. The Sankashti Chathurthi that falls during the month of August/September is also known as Ganesha Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chaturthi. Its celebrated as the birthday of lord Ganesha all over the world. Your Vinayaka Chavithi upavas or vratham can be made more suspicious with special sweets from Sitara Foods. In fact, if you follow us we will prepare a complete Vinayaka Chavithi kit for you to easily step into your pooja activities. Do order online and enjoy freshly made and packed sweets quickly delivered at your doorstep.
- Ekadashi Vratha – If you wish to get rid of malefic planetary influences and experience the bliss – piece of mind and attain moksha then chanting “Hare Krishna” maha mantra and fasting on Ekadashi is a must. Normally people do not consume onion, garlic or avoid grains also for Ekadashi vratha. Taking up this vratha is mostly done by many people as an aspect of self-discipline. So, you can consume milk sweets made with jaggery or sugar free sweets from Sitara foods by making purchases online.
- Pradosham – Chanting Om Namashivay and reciting Shiva Chalisa between the pradosha time 4.30 to 6 p.m. on specific dates when Pradosham occurs is considered auspicious. If you do not have a Shiva temple nearby then you can do the pooja at home itself. All you need is abhiseka items and vilvam or bilva leaves to perform the pooja. Milk, fruits and sweets are always allowed to be consumed from the morning on this vrata. If you feel you need fresh traditional sweets then place your orders online here.
As of these 3 vratas there are many more like Purnima, Amavasya, Skanda sashti, Shivrathri, Durgashtami, and also like Tuesday vrathas for goddess Lakshmi, Thursday vrathas for Saibaba, Friday for goddess Parvathi or Saraswathi and Saturday for Lord Rama. When you fast ensure that you need enough energy for the daily chores and always you are allowed to consume traditionally made sweets without sugar. So, this is the time you get ready and order online for the best sweets online.
Types of Poojas & Sweets offered as Neivedya

Like vrathas there are various poojas that are performed at Indian homes wherever they live around the world – in USA states like California, Texas, New Jersey, New York, Illinois and Georgia. Now sourcing of materials for these poojas becomes a tedious task when you live abroad. Along with finding raw materials, flowers, poojari or archagar or brahmin priest, it will be more hectic to decide on whom to invite for the pooja, food arrangements for them, return gifts for your guests and all other decoration aspects gets added up. Whatever be the pooja like Ganapathy homam, Anna prasanam, Satya Narayana pooja, Navagraha homam, Ayushya or Mruthunjaya homam, Chandi homam, Sudarshana homam, Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswathi homam, Vaastu homam, Ayyapa pooja, Lakshmi kubera pooja and many more – for all these poojas if we think of return gifts the only thing that comes to our mind is Indian sweets. Not only return gifts even the offerings made to the almighty in he forms of neivedya would be sweets made at home. Order online Sitara sweets which taste just like your grandma’s recipes.