Organic Jowar (Sorghum, Jonnalu) Laddu

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Why should you eat Jowar Laddus compared to other mouth-watering sweets?

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Why should you eat Jowar Laddus compared to other mouth-watering sweets?




Why should you eat Jowar Laddus compared to other mouth-watering sweets?

       Seduce your taste buds and make them happy with extraordinary taste from the jowar laddus of Sitara!  It just tickles your tongue and makes you feel awesome after tasting it.  Only when rice started gaining popularity such crops like jowar ceased from the widespread use in the grain market.  They are no more a bird food!  Now, it is a part of our kitchen too easily by so many different means.  It is not any more going to be stereotyped as the humble grain for the underprivileged nor is the grain of the poor people.  Now, it is only a nutritious diet that should not be missed by anyone.  😀

Eager to know how it is prepared at Sitara?  Read further….

         Clean organic jowar is popped while dry roasting and then made into a fine powder.  We pop the jowar because the taste of it is more interesting when combined with jaggery.  Organic jaggery is made into syrup with certified organic ghee which is poured on to the jowar powder and made into round sweet jowar laddus.  Additional care is taken while cleaning jowar and also while making them into laddus.  We always don’t fail to add our special love and care too while preparing food for our customers. You get to taste the sweets that your nani or grandma has served you when you were young.  It is sure to make you nostalgic!

         Get benefited by ordering online the jowar laddus for which well cleaned grains are used with organic jaggery and pure certified organic ghee because of which the taste is more delicious, yummy, delectable, luscious and savory too.  Our ghee has an aroma that is sure to rob your hearts.  It remains fresh for a longer period of time increasing its shelf life only because of the right ingredients used in it.

Why jowar laddus?

       A laddu is always a favorite for most of your family members and when you can make it by making the right selection of grains, why make it with other items?  Join the healthy food revolution by consuming the prime items.  One among which is this jowar laddu.  A nutrient rich cereal like jowar has umpteen health benefits and you can very easily get benefited by ordering a pack of jowar laddus from Sitara and only taste them to get the real vigor of it.

·      Fibre-Rich

     About 48 of our body’s fibre needs are met by jowar when consumed on a daily basis.  Can you believe this fact?  The high fibre in turn facilitates digestion, regulates blood sugar levels, manages obesity and curbs the risk of heart failures.

·      Weight loss food

     Shun Maida to lose weight!  Consumption of traditional sweets like these jowar laddus helps a lot in weight loss as this does not add more calories to you, yet filling your tummy not making it crave more for food.  Hot maida puris and bhaturas are delicious but still it has consequences which result in harm to your body causing constipation and ultimately unnecessary weight gain.  So it is always better you depend on food that digests easily and is fibre rich so that you attain your weight loss goal early.

·      Protein-Rich

Jowar is a rich source of protein.  Almost one cup of jowar has 22 grams of protein.  Protein surely helps kids and adults to build muscles, for cell regeneration and also induce a feeling of gratification which in turn helps in weight loss too.  When you kids need to munch something for the evening this is the right choice.

·      Vitamins and minerals

     A complete turbine of essential vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals are there in this jowar laddus.  It is brimmed with good amounts of calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and all possible B vitamins.  For those who avoid milk and other dairy products and are vegetarians, this jowar laddus from Sitara are the highest source of protein supplements which keeps them away from Vitamin B deficiency.  Eat healthy!  Be Fit! And Live Happily!

·      Suitable for diabetes complaints too

     It is very rich in carbohydrates and hence an ideal source of snack item for those who have diabetes.  Are you shocked reading this?  Do you think we recommend carbs for diabetic people and how we can do it ever?  No! Friends please don’t get surprised at all.  Only simple carbohydrates are loaded with sugar and trigger your sugar spikes but, complex carbohydrates digests slowly and prompt only the necessary gradual rice in blood sugar levels.

     Moreover, as it is made of jaggery and not sugar, it also fulfills the need to eat some sweet for diabetic people.  Better than the artificial sweeteners available in the market.  Jaggery based sweet is sure to keep them filled and at the same time tasty to their sensible sense organ – Tongue, without causing any harm to their health.

·      Gluten-free food

     There are many of them who are suffering from gluten intolerance.  Where to go in search of gluten-free food every time is the question in everyone’s mind.  But you know there is a brilliant alternative for wheat and that is jowar.  Those who know what gluten is will surely agree with this.

     Gluten is a protein substance that is mostly present in wheat, rye, rice, oats and barley.  It causes digestive problems like bloating, pain and even stomach cramps in people who are allergic to this protein.  For those people jowar is a boon.  Only because it has lots of nutritional benefits added along with the gluten-free diet in it.

·      Prevents Melanoma

     The tanning in sorghum / jowar has restrictive effects and prevents melanoma cell growth.  Melanoma is nothing but a special type of skin-cancer.  Sorghum is very effective in treating this type of cancer which is characterized by pigment-containing body cell growth.

         Having known these benefits of using jowar in your daily diet, you are sure to love the way these jowar laddus are made from Sitara.

Perfect alternative to store bought sweets.

         Indian cuisine is not only known for its delectable dishes that are distinct and unique not only in flavor but also in the variant ways in which you can cook them.  How many days can you eat the same jalebi, gulab jamun, kaju kathli, badam halwa and besan ladoos?  Isn’t it boring?  Have you ever imagined making a sweet with jowar?  We in fact tried and got it rightly combined with an iron rich food like jaggery and a combination of Ayurveda’s most treasured food item ghee for you.

         Embrace the goodness of sweets in a repository of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals.  This is sure to reduce your hospital expenses as it is not only a laddu but a medicinal sweet that keeps your body fit and intact.  The not-so-sumptuous taste of the millets makes it not very interesting to many people and that is the reason why many of them refuse to consume it too.  The idea of making it into a sweet is fascinating and makes every single person who tastes it; to really fall in love with it.

         “Children learn from the elders at home”.  And if you eat right, your children are sure to follow the same path.  In the money and time that you spend in introducing the junks to them, why should you not make them familiar with our traditional sweets with perfect story telling tales that impresses this kind of food?  They are sure to love you more for having given them the right things and shown the right way.

Medicinal Values

         Living without medicines is so easy when you are happy.  But in spite of that, when you happen to fall sick at times, instead of spending hundreds and thousands in muti-speciality-hospitals, why should you not change your normal diet and try it out?  This keeps you more close to nature.  Nature is god’s creation which has given ample gifts to us in order to live our life happily.  We only fail to make use of it.  This is one such valuable gift – Sorghum in English, Jowar in Hindi, Bengali and Punjabi, Cholam in Tamil, Jonna in Telugu, Jola in Kannada, jowari/jondhala in Marathi, Jowari/Juar in Gujarathi, Juara in Oriya.  Though the names are different, the amount of goodness it brings is the same to people in all states. We make laddus out of this and sell it online for you to just purchase them with one click!  Job made easier, isn’t it?

Local food is always the food that is grown within 100 miles of your point of sale or consumption.  This local food only keeps you healthier than any other tries.  The mainstream trend is that people are seeking for fresh, locally grown food and that is completely available in our organic laddus varieties at Sitara.

Buy Delicious Jowar Laddu Sorghum Jonnalu Laddu from SITARA FOODS. Made of Organic Jaggery, Jowar Millets and Pure Certified Organic Ghee. It is rich in fiber and high in protein and iron and is also gluten-free. It helps in digestion and heart health, prevents diabetes, detoxifies the body, and boosts immunity. You might also like, Organic Kodo Millet (Arikalu) Laddu and Organic Bajra (Pearl Millets, Sajjalu) Laddu  from Organic Millet Category of SITARA FOODS.



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Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

0.25 KG, 0.50 KG, 1.00 KG

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