Regi Vadiyalu / Elantha Vadai / Jujube Vada

(243 customer reviews)

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Regi Vada/vadiyalu or Elantha Vadai or jujube candy has historical values in South India as a mouth watering sour snack. Lot of last 2 generations people would have tasted this snack near school gates as kids. Very unique taste which none other snack can match. You can buy this mouth watering snack regi vadiyalu or elantha vadai online from Sitara Foods.

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Regi Vada/vadiyalu or Elantha Vadai or jujube candy has historical values in South India as a mouth watering sour snack. Lot of last 2 generations people would have tasted this snack near school gates as kids. Very unique taste which none other snack can match. You can buy this mouth watering snack regi vadiyalu or elantha vadai online from Sitara Foods.


Regi Vadiyalu / Elantha Vadai or Jujube Vada


  • Fresh Premium Quality Ingredients Used
  • Home Made & Hand Made with almost care & love
  • No Preservatives or Added Colors
  • Fresh Locally Sourced Ingredients from farmers around
  • Providing employment to rural women, hence providing rural women empowerment
  • Can Buy Online and get delivered to your doorstep with Free Shipping any where in India.

Regi Vada/vadiyalu or Elantha Vadai or jujube candy has historical values in South India as a mouth watering sour snack. Lot of last 2 generations people would have tasted this snack near school gates as kids. Very unique taste which none other snack can match. You can buy this mouth watering snack regi vadiyalu or elantha vadai online from Sitara Foods.


  • The Historic Regi Vada that reminds your childhood days and creates nostalgic moments! 
  • About the fruit

         A mouth watering berry fruit that which created history and is called as the Indian jujube! It is nothing but the Historic Regi Vadiyalu that reminds your childhood days and creates nostalgic moments in your life.  It is made out of a fruit called red date or Chinese date or Indian plum or Indian cherry or Korean date or Jujube fruit and is cultivated for more than 4000 years in South Asia.  This fruit has been traditionally used to make the best vada (commonly known as elantha vadai) ever tasted by anyone and is 100 percent sure to create nostalgic memories.  A hit taste for the people of all age groups especially pregnant woman is this elantha vadai or jujube vada or regi vadiyelu or regi pallu. We from Sitara wish to give it another name and that is a Pregnancy Delicacy which you can order online from us.  We are proud and privileged to tell you that we have sold more than 500 kgs of elandha vadai or regi vadiyelu online, last year alone to more than 900 customers.  Sitara Foods also have Regi Pandu Pickle (Jujube Fruit Pickle) for customers that lover regi pandlu.

                  The jujube fruit is a drupe or a stone fruit which comes from round to elongated oval shape and it is also available in various sizes like small gooseberry to plum size.  There are hundreds of varieties all over the world and the tastier ones are grown in India as it suits our climatic conditions better.  It is also called as ‘Ber’ in Hindi, ‘Badri’ in Sanskrit, ‘Elantha pazham’ in Tamil and ‘regi pallu’ in Telugu.

         The ripe jujube fruits are very tasty when eaten with a little chili and salt.  Previously even street vendors used to sell it to school children in the school gates.  But nowadays it has become exotic variety.  Still you can find the best ever jujube fruits at Sitara to buy online.


Benefits of Jujube fruit:

       When consumed raw as well as made into candies, pickles or vadas and eaten, they have numerous benefits for pregnant women and others too.  A few of the incredible benefits of jujube fruits is listed below.

·      Insomina Cure:

The mind boggling benefit of jujube fruit is that it helps you to sleep better.   An insomnia cure that is unbeatable even by modern medicines is possible with this jujube fruit when consumed both raw and as a regi vadiyelu.  Why we say is that when you take sleeping pills, sometimes if you happen to get up in the middle of your sleep you cannot continue sleeping further and there are a lots of side effects.  But nature cure ailments like jujube fruits don’t have such troubles.  This is only because of the scientifically proven fact that this fruit is rich in flavonoids named saponins.   By lending a soothing effect on your nervous system, saponin has a sedative sleep quality and is a natural sleep promoter.  Sleep well and get peace in life by making a purchase online from Sitara for the best jujube vadas ever.

·      Relieves Constipation.

The best constipation relief especially for pregnant women is got from jujube fruit either raw or dishes based on it.  Sometimes we feel ashamed to talk about our chronic illnesses and mainly about constipation.  A recent survey gives statistics to us that more than 22 percent of Indians suffer from chronic constipation.  This slowly leads to a worst gastro intestinal health and also piles are the ending stage.  But it can be easily cured with the gift from nature and that is this wonderful berry which is known to magically cure your chronic constipation problem.  This is made feasible with the high fibre content in jujube fruit and it also helps to regulate bowel movements along with curing any indigestion issues.


·      Relieves anxiety

       Your hormones are the culprits who harm your body and that can be taken care of easily by consuming jujube fruit regularly.  This jujube fruit either raw or cooked into regi vadiyelu is believed to have a calming effect on your brain and nervous system.  Its sedative properties work on your hormonal levels and keeps you calm and away from any anxiety.

·      A factory of vitamin C

       Our body needs vitamin C to be more immune and we should depend on natural sources for the same since we cannot produce it in our body.  The perfect natural source for vitamin C is this jujube fruit and it is a powerhouse of essential antioxidants and vitamins.  If you are aiming at a healthy glowing skin, then also your first choice should be the jujube fruit to keep your skin health intact and also to give a vitalizing effect to your skin.

·      Regulates Blood Pressure and blood circulation

       As you grow old, the health issues start one by one.  They are only given multiple names by the doctors like diabetes, blood pressure etc.  But when your blood vessels are relaxed such that there is a smooth blood flow ensured then the pressure would be apt.  For enabling this relaxation of blood vessels, a nature borne gift is this jujube fruit as it has a very low salt content and high potassium content which makes it possible.

         It also regulates proper blood circulation.  If you are suffering from fatigue, anemia, muscle weakness, light headedness and cognitive problems, then jujube vada is the best medicine that you can depend upon.

·      Improves bone strength

       Jujube fruit has minerals like calcium and phosphorus which helps in keeping you to be away from osteoporosis.  By consuming this jujube fruit raw or regi vadiyelu, you can strengthen your bones and improve your overall bone health.    

·      Helps in weight loss

       Most of us have the habit of munching over some snack or the other in the mid afternoon or evening time.  This jujube vada is an ideal snack option for people who are aiming at weight loss or those who don’t want to increase more on their calories.  Especially pregnant women can consider this as a best evening snack option.  It is healthy and at the same time keeps them away from common illnesses caused like constipation, sleeplessness towards the last trimester etc.

·      Removes toxins from body and enables smooth secretion of breast milk

       It enables a mother to feed her baby enough and increase better immunity levels in both the baby and her.  When your body is toxin free, then you are healthy enough to secrete the right amount of milk for your baby.  It keeps your baby from common ailments like allergy and other skin related problems too when you consume jujube fruit and feed regularly.

         Having known all these benefits don’t you think that you should not miss eating this wonderful nature based snack which has no other healthy equivalent?  Blended with our South Indian culture, especially in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu is this regi vadiyalu or elantha vadai made out of regi pallu or the ber fruit.  The food habits and life style of people keep changing but certain snacks are still close to our heart.  One such item is this elandha vadi and we at Sitara prepare it with extra love and care for you.  Make an order online for your favorite snack and enjoy your day with completely nostalgic memories and relax as you have never done!

  • Pregnancy Delicacy

         Every woman has a special craving during her pregnancy stage and most of them would love this regi vadiyalu.  From the womb let us make this traditional snack more close to the future generation who will love to eat it ever!  And your work is just so simple, you can make a purchase of regi vadiyalu online from Sitara where it is hygienically prepared and is home-made, hand-made without any preservatives.  The combination of the ber fruit’s sourness along with salt and chilies is what impress the pregnant woman to crave for it and hence the name pregnancy delicacy!  Its unique taste not only satisfies the tongue but also ends up healthy to your stomach.  The ber fruit or jujube fruit out of which the regi vadiyalu is made has the highest ever fiber content which helps it in doing the task so easily.

         Eating a fruit during season is one kind of happiness! The same when you have a chance to eat it during off season gives you the chance to experience the real bliss!  Don’t you feel so?  One such effort is only the making of this elandha vadai or regi vadiyalu at Sitara where we have used the beneficial jujube fruit in combination with right amount of salt and chilies to make this delicacy for you.  Buy online and see how you much your tongue would ask you to order more for it!  We are so sure because we have all our customers writing excellent Google reviews for this traditional pregnancy snack.

  • Religious significance of ber fruit

       The ber tree is considered to be a part of Stala vriksham, the monumental trees that are indigenous to every historic Hindu temple.  It is grown particularly in Shiva temples, because it is the fruit that is offered along with bael fruit on Mahashivrathri to Lord Shiva.  It is considered to be more sacred in gurudwaras because Guru nanak Dev Ji used to meditate under a ber tree which is located on the Kali Beins banks in Sulthanpur Lodhi and also got enlightened here.

  • A traditional nutritional snack that has disappeared from our food basket is regi vadiyelu……

         When we give a welcome space to new things, we sometimes fail to cherish golden old things.  But it is better late than never.  We all would have tasted this yummy traditional nutritional snack that has now disappeared from our food basket.  The road side vendors or the petty shops near our schools had this elantha vadai or regi vadiyalu sold to kids who walk back home.  Don’t you remember getting money from your parents to buy a pack of elantha vadai or regi vadiyalu which you eat while chatting with your friends on the way while walking back home?  Wow!  What a memorable time!  Only the last two generations must have experienced this pleasure.  Why should we not show the same way to the next generation too?  Send one pack of elandha vadai or regi vadiyalu which you purchase online from Sitara as a bus snack to your child.  Ask him/her to share with friends and eat it to and also keep those memories safe in their hearts which they can enjoy later in life.  It will be like a non-stop video playing in their minds forever even when they feel alone.

  • Two variants of Elandha Vadai or Regi Vadiyalu and the making process.       

       We have two different variants of elandha vadai.  One is the spicy version where we do not mix jaggery and the other is the mild sweet version where jaggery is mixed with it.  Fresh regi pallu or regi pandlu fruits are sourced directly from the farmers and grinded with red chilies, salt and jaggery.  Then we make them into vadas and dry it to make the yummy elantha vadai or regi vadiyalu that comes as the final product to you.  We have a special ingredient added to our elandha vadai.  You know what?  Yeah, you are right!  It is the same ingredient which we add in all our food products.  LOVE & CARE.

         Hope you had a nice time reading this!  After all, please don’t forget to share this lovely snack regi vadiyalu with your friends too.  Think of even buying it as a gift when you visit your old friend with whom you must have enjoyed eating this in your childhood days.  You can buy it online and take with you when you make a visit to your home town to see your grandparents.  They will love to just melt in its wonderful taste and appreciate your action much.  Gift it to your friends who are carrying or the would-be mothers when you visit them casually or even for a baby shower!  Good ideas, isn’t it?  Make use of it and enjoy your time snacking with elandha vadai or regi vadiyalu daily!  It is a worth snack to be eaten daily than the other junk varieties available nowadays in stores.

Snacks like Elandha Vadai were part of Andhra & Tamil culture which are developed based on the food habits and life style. Regi Vadiyalu purchased online from Sitara are made with high quality regi pandlu ezhandha vadai (jujube) and at most with love & care. This unique taste of ber fruit in combination with salt and chillies cannot be found any where in the world. This is the reason we have sold nearly 500 kgs of regi vada online at Sitara last year. Nearly 900 customers have bought regi vadiyalu online from Sitara.

Medicinally, jujubes have been used to treat nerves and as a cure for insomnia. Regi Vada main ingredient, regi pandlu cures stomach-aches, respiratory problem, throat infection, urinary inflammation and constipation. Regi pandlu in elantha vadai is helpful in liver troubles, asthma and fever. They are equally effective in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, gout, ulcer and rheumatism. A teaspoonful of powder of dry fruit stops excessive menstruation. You can buy regi vadiyalu online at Sitara, it doesn’t matter you being in Bangalore, Hyderabad or For elantha vadai in chennai or pune, we deliver to your door step.

Now a days ber snack has become very rare, I recommend this as a must to taste snack for his generation kids. It’s a nostalgic snack for our generations. You can also purchase other traditional snacks like Kamarkat, Pootharekulu, Minapa vadiyalu, Ulavachaaru Paste online from Sitara.

** Please be noted that the color of the Regi Vadiyalu becomes dark as it ages with wonderfully delicious taste.  


 Good Quality Regi Pandlu/Ber/Elantha, Salt, Red Chillies. We have 2 varients in this, one is without Jaggery (Spicy) and one with Jaggery (Spicy with mild sweet)


100 grams (just under a half cup) of fresh, raw regi/jujube fruit contains about:

  • 76 calories
  • 20.2 grams carbohydrates
  • 1.2 grams protein
  • 0.2 gram fat
  • 69 milligrams vitamin C (115 percent DV)
  • 250 milligrams potassium (7 percent DV)
  • 0.9 milligrams niacin (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram vitamin B6 (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram copper (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram manganese (4 percent DV)
  • 0.5 milligram iron (3 percent DV)

Shelf life is 2 months. Please refrigerate after opening the pouch for freshness and better taste.

  • Shelf Life can be increased to 6 to 9 months by storing in refrigerator.
  • Store the product in refrigerator for longer shelf life.

Regi Vadiyalu are available from January of every year till June. 3-5 days shipping. All our products are shipped to places all over the world.

Domestic: Shipping if Free to any part of India and delivery time to any part of India delivery will be done in 3 to 7 business days from date of shipping.

International: International shipping price is based on country of delivery and Delivery time varies from 4 to 9 business days from date of shipping.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

0.25 KG, 0.50 KG, 1.00 KG

243 reviews for Regi Vadiyalu / Elantha Vadai / Jujube Vada

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Reviewed by 239 customer(s)

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  • Santhosh

    Taste is awesome but poor in freshness.

    I ordered Regi vadiyaalu, it was soo fresh.

    August 31, 2024
    Verified Purchase


  • Maryam Ali

    Awesome taste and so fresh!! Ordered more

    Ordered more of it to UK!!!

    May 15, 2024


  • Maryam Ali


    So so soooo yummy..never thought I’d get it in UK..Satisfied my craving n so fresh n home made…I ordered more!😍

    May 15, 2024


  • Madhavi Suresh

    Reg vadiyalu excellent

    Regi vadiyalu super
    Very fresh

    January 23, 2024


  • Whied Mussa

    September 8, 2023


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