Organic Finger Millet (Ragi) Laddu – Power Packed Snack

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A Nutritious laddu for your kids!  Tell them it is chota bheem laddu and gives strength like him!

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A Nutritious laddu for your kids!  Tell them it is chota bheem laddu and gives strength like him!



A Nutritious laddu for your kids!  Tell them it is chota bheem laddu and gives strength like him!

         Every year September 1st to 7th is celebrated as the National Nutrition Week in India.  Nutrition being the science or practice of consuming and using foods that leads towards good health and well being.  For this to happen, supporting a healthy balanced diet with whole-grains, fruits and vegetables becomes a must.

         When we talk about whole grains, ragi plays a vital role and is undoubtedly a “super cereal / magic cereal / wonder food”.  Generations ago south Indians staple food was ragi only.  But however, it has lost its value now and is very unfortunate that the nutritive and the therapeutic value of ragi or finger millet are not recognized.  It may be because of the delicious recipes like ragi laddus, cookies or pakodas were not tried much!  But out of any other form of ragi dishes, the ragi laddus stand on the peak.

         Especially the strength giving chocolate colored laddus makes it more interesting for kids.  Order online for a fresh pack of laddu for your children and see how much they would start enjoying even to eat ragi or finger millet which has plenty of iron content in it.  A mother’s job is made damn easy! You may also like Organic Foxtail Millets Laddu , Organic Brown Top Millets (Andu Korralu) Laddu from our Organic Millet Laddu category.

History of finger millet

         A 4000 year crop which has been found in the archaeological excavations of the Harappan Civilization which existed almost in the late Iron Age has been given different names in different languages like ragi in Kannada, Telugu and Hindi, Ariyam or Kel varagu in Tamil, Taidalu inn Telangana region and many more names in different places.  This crop has a peculiar characteristic and it grows at even highest altitudes like 2000m above sea level and is drought tolerant with longer storage time.

         It easily grows in eastern and southern African countries and southern Asia, especially in India and Nepal.  Why should we opt other grains when we have our native ones with supernatural powers to keep us fit and healthy?  Knowing things better about the food you eat is always more advisable, right?

Miraculous benefits of Ragi

       If you have ever felt that you need to take care of your health, then proper food, exercise and sleep is a must.  For your health to be safe and intact even under normal conditions, go back to your native food first, start eating ragi based diets early.  It is always told “prevention is better than cure”.  Order online for the freshly packed ragi laddus from Sitara which gives ample amount of benefits out of which a few are for your reference.

·      Highest Protein Content

    An incomparable protein content with rice and easily digestible for kids is this ragi laddu as it is made of jaggery, pure certified organic ghee and organic ragi powdered.  The reason for which it is the first food that we start to give babies even when they are even 4 to 6 months old is only because it digests quickly.

     This has a unique protein content not found much in other foods and that is the main protein fraction, eleusinin.  Eleusinin has a high biological and gets easily absorbed in our body.  Considerable quantities of tryptophan, cystine and amino acids which are deficient in other grains make it more crucial to human health.  Preventing malnutrition finger millet is a rich source of proteins for Vegetarians because methionine content constitutes percent of its protein content.

·      Premier source of calcium

     Nearly 5 to 30 times higher calcium content than the other cereal is present in Ragi and in a delicious laddu form which gives enormous energy.  Not only calcium but also rich in potassium, phosphorous and iron and thus, reduces risk of osteoporosis.  One meal a day with finger millets can do wonders to your body and if you can eat it as an evening snack or a morning breakfast addition instead of the junks that normally is consumed, you can call yourself the most fit.

·      A control for diabetes

    It is rare to find food with complex carbohydrates, high dietary fiber levels and beneficial phytochemicals.  Ragi or finger millet is one among that food.  Phytochemicals are chemical compounds that are derived from plants, which have the capacity to combat diseases.  Generally phytochemicals are found in the outer layer of the grain or the seed coat.  The outer coat of the whole grain ragi is also rich in polyphenols.  It has just about 40 times the phenolic content in rice and 5 times that in wheat.  Controlling blood glucose levels, hyperglycemic and oxidative stress it stands equal to foxtail millet and seconds to kodo millet.

·      A natural antibiotic

    Ragi acts as against a number of bacteria causing food poisoning including Bacillus cereus.  Ragi is the best food when you have typhoid.  Any kind of skin and soft tissue infections are perfectly cured with ragi only.

     Remember when kids are sick they tend to refuse food.  But a sweet taste will surely impress them.  Try giving these ragi laddus to make them stronger.  They are sure to love its taste.

·      Potential of anti-cancer properties are high

     A byword in health books today is “anti-oxidants” and that is available in ample amounts only in the cheapest available whole grain ragi.  Millet-based diets are always a boon to our health and there is no second thought about it.

·      Fiber rich food

    As it is rich in fibre, ragi has always proved to help in weight loss.  A granny favorite food and keeps your tummy slim and fit.  Consumed in the morning times when you are very hungry these laddus give instant energy to you for the whole day to be active enough.

·      Totally reverts skin ageing

    Those who need a young and youthful skin have to definitely eat ragi based food on a daily basis.  Only one source of vitamin D in your food and is a best carrier molecule for calcium accounting for your vitality.  Due to collagen cross-linking, the stiffness in your skin is reduced.

         These ragi laddus are interesting for kids to eat like chota bheem chocolate laddus.  Make it lively and they will just gobble it up.  Not only ragi but these laddus include jaggery also which is a double benefit.  Order online from Sitara for the wonder grain laddus / ragi laddus / finger millet laddus and enjoy them!

Favors that jaggery offers to you through this ragi laddus:

         Refined white sugar contains only “empty calories” which has no nutrition as the molasses is removed in them.  Whereas jaggery has vitamins, minerals, iron, potassium magnesium and other extra nutrients.  Even though jaggery is also sugar it is far better than using sugar on a daily basis.  You can grate or make jaggery syrup and add it anywhere and everywhere as a replacement for sugar to sweeten drinks like tea or coffee, prepare snacks during sankranthi, addition to any sweets like these finger millet laddus made as neivedhyam to the almighty, make traditional desserts and candies like kamarkat, make sweet jaggery pongal / chakara pongal as called in Tamil Nadu and to make traditional alcoholic drinks like palm wine.  But among all this our recommendation is for jaggery based sweets made with millets only.  Purchase online from Sitara the best organic millet laddus and get the most of them.  A few giving of jaggery to you are:

·      Jaggery stimulates bowel movements and aids in digestion making it an ideal choice to prevent constipation.

·      It prevents anemia because of its higher iron content and women who have low hemoglobin complaints can make it a habit to add jaggery in their food on a regular basis to improve their condition.

·      It improves your immunity and many tonics given for cough ailments add jaggery in them.  You can eat ragi laddus even when you are sick! Just add to cart immediately!

·      Eat jaggery based food and see how those calories help you.  You are sure to be astonished by its effects.  It is sure to help you regain all your lost energy.

·      It is also believed to relieve headaches.

·      A weight loss secret for brides.  Once marriage is decided if you feel you have to lose weight, just stop your intake of sugar and replace it with jaggery everywhere and see the astonishing results.  Take these sweets based on jaggery every morning till your wedding day and get the most of it.


Gift Finger millet laddus:

       When you go to visit your loved ones, buy a pack of ragi laddus to really impress them with your sense of thought.  Loving junks may interest in the beginning but their side effects are sure to haunt them later.  When you go to visit elders at your home, this is a right choice of gift, Millet Laddus.  They will bless you!

         Your guru, family friends, for functions such as navarathri or Krishna jayanthi, it can be offered to the lord as they are made of jaggery and is very close to the taste of your almighty.  A special neivedhyam that is healthy too!

Buy Delicious Ragi Laddu Finger Millet Laddu from SITARA FOODS. Made of Organic Jaggery, Ragi Millets and Pure Certified Organic Ghee. It is rich in fiber and high in iron and calcium and also gluten-free. It helps in strengthening bones in kids and elderly, immense health benefits and prevents obesity. It’s a powerhouse of proteins, minerals & amino acids.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

0.25 KG, 0.50 KG, 1.00 KG

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